Curious how our favorite celebrities seem to evade aging? Christie Brinkley is the perfect example of a celebrity who appears to be growing younger! This is because of her love of Ultherapy® and XEOMIN®, two treatments that are helping turn back the hands of time. Now is your chance to do the same! Grab a …
Deciding to undergo plastic surgery is the first major step in reaching your aesthetic goals. However, this decision is just the tip of the iceberg—you must understand and follow your physician’s instructions to ensure a smooth cosmetic journey. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon in Albany, NY, I encourage questions and try to educate my …
Tattoos are no longer reserved for bikers and rock stars. They've become popular for everyone, from stay-at-home-moms to urban professions. Because so many of my patients have tattoos, I thought it would be fitting to talk about tummy tuck surgery at my Albany, NY practice and what happens to tattoos during the procedure. Depending on the placement …
Patients often want the results of a facelift at my Albany practice without undergoing a traditional facelift procedure. They hear the name "weekend facelift," also called a mini facelift, and think it's a quick and easy solution to all signs of facial aging. Unfortunately, this is a common misconception. In this blog post, I'll explain …
In this post, I would like to highlight why it’s so important to ensure that your surgeon is qualified to perform the procedures that he or she is offering. I like to focus on my qualifications so that I can help my Albany plastic surgery patients feel confident about their elected procedure. When choosing a …
As a plastic surgeon in Albany, NY, I talk a lot about healing and recovery. Here's why now is an ideal time to start booking a procedure: If you can get your surgery soon, you will be back in action by the time the holidays are underway. A little more specifics: Mommy Makeover What: A …
Celebrity moms sharing Instagram photos of their toned, post-pregnancy bodies just a couple of months after having babies creates unrealistic expectations for women who want to regain their bodies — and confidence — after having children. Patients who are dissatisfied when their post-pregnancy bodies don't "snap back" quickly often ask me about having a mommy …
It's often said that if you wait for the "perfect" time to do anything — whether it's having a baby or taking that dream vacation — you'll be waiting forever. But as a board-certified plastic surgeon, I tell my patients that there's definitely an ideal time for surgery. Wondering when to get plastic surgery? Read …
Women who are researching breast implants soon realize that size is only one of the decisions involved in getting breast augmentation. As a plastic surgeon, I help patients navigate their choices during the consultation by explaining the differences between various concepts, such as size and profile. That's why I want to devote this blog post …
Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck here in Albany, NY, is one of the most satisfying procedures for both male and female patients alike. But, like any plastic surgery procedure, it has limitations. In this blog post, I want to review the realities of tummy tuck — both who it's for and what …